Monday, April 23, 2012

The Private and the Public

When you study any sort of social science, you get drawn into discussions of this sort. Is there a divide between the private and the public? Should there be? Do some people lose their right to this divide by virtue of public office? Is that fair? The reason I am bringing this up now is because a senior politician has resigned from certain posts because a member of his household staff released some footage of said politician indulging in what is arguably sexual intercourse with a woman who is not his wife. Why this footage was created, nobody seems to care. Why is that a question you ask? Because if he w a hot shot politician, it would be a sex tape that someone was making for extortion. That is a crime and nobody would be asking who the woman is. As a citizen of this country, do I care that the man is being unfaithful? Maybe a little, but very little. If he was extorting sexual favours from people who came to him for help, I would be more concerned. What has allegedly happened is that his rights, and the rights of his partner and family have been violated, and he is being punished for it. Do I condone adultery? No, but it is not my business. If the man's wife chooses to take action, I would support her, if she doesn't, it is her choice. If the other woman has been coerced and chooses to speak out about it, I would support her. At present, I support him as a victim of a rights violation, which is going uninvestigated because he is famous and has apparently given up a right to privacy.

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