Monday, July 20, 2009

Praying for Patience

One thing I've learnt about myself is that I do not tolerate incompetence at work. I become very curt, bordering on rude with people who do not do their job. In my defence, I give them a long rope, give them a lot of time to demonstrate their competence or otherwise. And once demonstrated, I find it hard to remain civil.

So I'm writing this post now, to drown out a few voices around me. Specifically the voice of one chap in a consulting role who self-confessedly doesn't do very cutting-edge work, but wants to do more. He has vision, but he has incomplete strategy. I think he doesn't listen very well. He hears what people are saying, but very rarely makes sense of it. I've worked with several people over the years and some of them are a joy to work with. They push you hard to be clear and consistent on what you're saying, but understand and supplement/complement. This is not one of those.

The intense irritation of a few seconds ago seems to have passed, so I was able to delete the vent that I had typed. I guess what really irritated me is that he was on a loud phone call, disregarding that there are other people around who probably have their own things to do. I've also grown a little intolerant of insensitive people. For instance, people who don't realise that their jokes aren't being appreciated and continue to make the smae jokes, again and again. Unfortnately, this chap is one of those as well.

I'll get used to it, I'll get used to having to think a lot more before I react... :) I'll grow up some more as well.

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