Friday, July 26, 2013

Learning More about Myself

I knew it was going to be hard, but I did not expect this. My In-Laws are visiting for a week and I was nervous. Filled with some trepidation, because my house is not well organized, because I am not a great cook, and also because I find it hard to get along with my mother-in-law. She is a very nice person, but we are probably more alike than I would like to admit. In other words, she needs a lot of attention and what she likes to talk about is not what I like to talk about. She is also nervous around me, which makes her a little hyper.

The thing that I knew I would have to cope with is the kitchen ceasing to be mine. My Grandmother-in-law has, through years of experience no doubt, learnt how to share a kitchen, but her daughter has not. I knew I would have to relinquish, but I guess I was not prepared for how immediate and total it would be, or even how I would feel about it. I thought I would be fine with it, but no. Maybe I am just hungry...

Also, in contemplating why I am so on edge, I discover that I am still upset that last year, they chose to visit when I was not here, and more importantly, my relationship with SO remains shaky. I mean, we are fine, but he has no credit and everything his mother does to irritate me will be debited.  At least, I already realize this, so can try to be more charitable and can also tell him not to leave me alone with her just yet.

I expect that by the end of this week things will be better, I will have adjusted better etc., but I also expect that in this week, I will be blogging a lot more.

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