Monday, June 06, 2011


I know I've had views on in-laws, specifically mothers-in-law, those views haven't changed. but having belonged to another family for nearly 4 years now, I notice that they also make efforts for me (including my mother-in-law) and that makes me fonder of them than before.

My mother-in-law has been difficult for me to handle because her personality is bossy and shrill. She's got a heart of gold, she means well and loves her family greatly, but her perspective on life is quite different from mine. She loves to talk and cook, and while I love to talk, I can't talk to her about much stuff that interests me and I'm an indifferent cook. She's tried to bond with me I think, but has met disinterest and maybe even aloofness. I've never been rude to her, but it's probably safe to assume that she knows I'm not 'fond' of her. This time though, I noticed that she eased up on the talking at points as it was getting to me. I was also allowed to participate in the cooking (a first!) so maybe we're making progress!

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