I acquired a rash a few weeks ago. Almost a month ago actually. Having been to doctors very very rarely in my life, I had not clue what to do with it. I tried leaving it alone, but it didn't go away. By some quirk of fate, last weekend some calamine lotion was applied on it and it subsided a bit. So yesteray I plied it with tons of calamine and today it's almost gone :)
Is that all I really wanted to say? No!! :) It's actually that I have a lot of work but almost none of it is creative. Most of it is redoing something I'd done before, so not very exciting. It's very important to the people that need it done, but to me, it's just something else that I have to do. I guess I like believe that I'm creative. In some senses, I do my best work when I've to think about it and not just redo something or make sure that something is consistent with what my organization does.
It's been quite a while since I wrote, which is, in itself, odd for me. I've started a couple of posts but didn't complete any of them, mostly because of work. I got a bit busier in the begining of April and had some sort of conflicts at work. Again, i don't do too well when politics is involved. I believe everybody should be professional and just do their job. That's what I try to do without letting egos and other such interfere. You don't have to like everybody that you work with, but you've to work with them. I'm quite fortunate that I've a good team to work with (or at least sit with in the office). But then I've had to work with some incompetents who try to pass the blame onto others so that they can continue to do nothing at all. I guess it takes all types.
It's my birthday tomorrow and currently the thought makes me sad. I guess cause it's a Saturday and it's going to be hectic cause I've to meet people and be nice when what I really want to do is to curl up and sleep and laze around my poor neglected house. It's all very weird. Sometimes I want to go out and be exciting and excited but sometimes I want to be an ostrich. Maybe it's just cause I've got a lot of work which is not inspiring me.
Can completing work be inspiring in and of itself? It doesn't matter what you have to do, but you're driven to finish it. Let's try...